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Sylvester Joseph Hunter’s famous 3-volume Outlines of Dogmatic Theology presents a complete course in dogmatic theology. First written to train priests for ministry—yet written in a manner accessible to the laity—this volume offers an accessible, readable, and informative introduction to Catholic dogma. Hunter ties together the various traditions and streams of theological discourse to provide a...

we believe all that God has revealed, and especially that a sinner is justified by the grace of God through the redemption wrought by Christ. (cap. 6; Denz. 680.) If the passages of Holy Scripture where mention is made of saving faith are compared, it becomes clear that the Council expresses the doctrine of the New Testament. We had occasion to discuss these passages in our first volume (nn. 310, 311), when we saw that faith signifies belief in revealed truth, and has nothing specially to do with
Volume 3, Page 115